Mark one year of Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza

This Saturday we will mark one year of Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza with a short march.We also mark the spread of Israel's aggression throughout the region--in just one day last week, Israel bombed Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen. It has bombed Iran, and threatens to do so again. It is clear that the Israeli government is not looking for a way to make peace, but backed by the Biden administration, it seeks to extend its power throughout the region 

The whole world knows that all this military action is made possible by American arms and American warplanes. Our country has become complicit in Israel's crimes in the eyes of the international community, and our country will be held responsible for those crimes.

But the American people do not support this carnage, and New Paltz Women in Black want to continue to express the outrage of the majority of the American people at our government's continued enabling of genocide. We will mark this important anniversary with a short march on the sidewalks of the village to spread our message: 

Arms Embargo on Israel! Stop Bombing Gaza! Hands Off Lebanon! Join Us!