Supporting a Palestinian owned restaurant in Rhinebeck

Background: the owner of Petit Bistro in Rhinebeck has been attacked on social media, had signs put on his restaurant, and now faces a Zionist rally this coming Sunday, May 5. The owner is Palestinian.

A local social media exchange began the harassment. At some point, the owner of Petit Bistro reposted a "Fuck Israel" message to his social media account. There were no references to Jewish people in the posting.

We want to support the Petit Bistro and its owner during the Zionist rally. Many of us will go into the restaurant (seats 100) and stay there during the rally. Some want to hold signs outside the restaurant. If the Zionists are too aggressive, those in the restaurant will come out to the sidewalk.

We will gather this Sunday, May 5 at 1:15 pm in front of the Petit Bistro (at the light in town). You can bring signs if you want to. It would be best to stand and show our solidarity, rather then engage in shouting. And our defense of the restaurant will be completely nonviolent.

Have the Zionist planned this acton to disrupt the "Anti-Zionism/Antisemitism" discussion from 2 - 5 pm on this Sunday at the Old Dutch Church on Wall Street, Kingston? Please go to that if you have registered. If not, please come to the defense of a local Palestinian business in Rhinebeck.

To register for the "Anti-Zionism/Antisemitism" discussion in Kingston go to: